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NFB Filmmaker Assistance Program

Need help finishing your film? The Filmmaker Assistance Program (FAP) is designed to help developing independent filmmakers complete their films/videos by providing technical services and support.

Applicants must be Canadian citizens or landed immigrants who are working on projects that fall within the NFB’s mandate regarding cultural and social objectives, originality and innovation in style and content, and promoting under-represented viewpoints.

FAP is not a funding (cash) program. Assistance is offered in the form of technical services, up to a maximum cash value of $3,000 or $5,000 depending on the region in which you reside. FAP supports documentaries, animations, and short dramas (film or video). Film students are not eligible FAP support.

Those who have made more than three film/video projects (outside of film school) are not eligible.

Your written proposal should include: a brief description of the project; what technical services are required; when these services are required, and for how long as well as a copy of your resume. Once projects have been accepted for FAP assistance, services will be granted on a first-ready, first-served basis. Funds will not be reserved for projects that do not have a firm production schedule.

Assistance is limited to one production per year, and productions receiving other money or services from the NFB are not eligible. Projects which have not used up their allotted funds in one year may reapply the next year for the remaining balance, which is to be used for the same project. Productions containing excessive gratuitous violence, sexual violence, or sexual exploitation are not eligible. The NFB reserves the right to apply its judgment in this regard, and its decisions are final.

At the NFB Producer’s discretion, credits on projects that have received FAP assistance will include the following statement: “Made in part with the support of the National Film Board of Canada’s Filmmaker Assistance Program.” When the project is completed, a DVD copy must be forwarded to the NFB FAP Program.

How to apply Download the application form for complete FAP information including deadlines in your region, or contact the NFB production centre nearest you.

Esther Viragh Tel: 780-224-3645 E-mail:

Application Form (Format PDF)

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