The Filmpool applies for equipment acquisition through Canada Council.
Help by providing your opinion of what you would like the co-op to purchase. It is extremely important to the staff and Board at the Filmpool that we hear from the membership regarding future decisions. We are a cooperative at heart. Together we can impact the future of filmmaking in the province by selecting gear that caters to artists at every level of production.
Don’t be daunted by this survey!
If you do not know the pieces, or do not have time to look them up, no worries! Just leave a comment or suggestion of what you would like researched. It can be general (ie. “more sound gear”), or really specific (ie. “GoPro Hero3 with helmet strap and wifi transmitter”). If you don’t even have time to fill out the comment section, send an email directly to with your suggestion. We want to hear from you!
(links provided at bottom of survey to find out more about the items)
This survey is currently closed.
Thank you to all who provided feedback. Please feel free to send your suggestions anytime to
— SMALL TARGET ITEMS — Joker bug lights KinoFlo Diva lights Kessler Cineslider pico projectors digital clapper fog machine
— MEDIUM TARGET ITEMS — Sound Devices 552 Fig Rig 3D printer
— LARGE TARGET ITEMS — Pair of ArriSun 18 PAR 1.2k RED Scarlet MOVI M10 Camera Stabilizer
Thank you kindly for your time and consideration.